Surrounded by white..
Where am I?? What am I doing here?? Am I dreaming again??
A fart sound.. Smoke appearing..What the..
Cant see clearly.. Too much smoke..
Wait a minute.. Its not fart.. Looks like..
A fat cabbage and a devil hamburger??!!
What the heck is this..?
'Greetings Neaput.. My name is Gacabbe. And I am an angel', says the fat one.
'And my name is bumhergar', mumbles the evil one.
..I almost burst out laughing.. Such silly names..Even their looks are silly..
'You are in a place called a white room', the fat one said..
'And you are dead'
What??!! How can I be dead??!!
'Someone sat on you.. You broke into two.. You have a problem with that?!, Growls the evil one..
Suddenly I don't feel like laughing anymore..=(
'This place is where all dead souls chill out or hang around before they are judged whether to go to heaven or hell', the fat one says..
Wait.. so am I going to heaven or hell??
'We have to check.. But I hope you are mine..HAHAHA', the devil says..
Its that fart sound again.. Hmm..
Wow a tv.. That's so cool..
'Lets watch together =)', says the angel..
.....The fat one gives me the creeps..
Wow not bad.. Didn't know I was so usefull..
Peanut butter for kids.. Peanuts with beer.. Health benefits.. Not bad..
Well..Looks like I'll be going heaven after all =)
'Let's go to heaven', says the angel..
Yeah..Let's go..Feels like the evil one there's gonna eat me up already..
Whoah..Im actually
HEAVEN.. Wait for me..Here I come!!!
Wait.. Why is the TV still on..
What's that??.. People dying from peanuts??!! (Author's note:True story. Go check out the web)
How can that be possible??
What the.. Something's grabbing me..
Oh no..Its the evil one...
DAMN!! =(