Sunday, October 4, 2009


What Do yoU KNOW About It?

Throw out the ignorance....

Enlighten yourself...

What Can yoU DO To Help?

"If you want to eliminate hunger, everybody has to be involved"   - Bono, U2

Reduce your meat consumption.  Go vegetarian full-time / on some days...

Support YUM! Brands and donate to the United Nations World Food Programme...

(YUM! Brands consist of KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silver's and A&W)

Go ahead.  Start NOW.  Make A difference.  =)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Neaput the Peanut

Surrounded by white..

Where am I?? What am I doing here?? Am I dreaming again??


A fart sound.. Smoke appearing..What the..

Cant see clearly.. Too much smoke..

Wait a minute.. Its not fart.. Looks like..

A fat cabbage and a devil hamburger??!!

What the heck is this..?

'Greetings Neaput.. My name is Gacabbe. And I am an angel', says the fat one.

'And my name is bumhergar', mumbles the evil one.

..I almost burst out laughing.. Such silly names..Even their looks are silly..

'You are in a place called a white room', the fat one said..

'And you are dead'

What??!! How can I be dead??!!

'Someone sat on you.. You broke into two.. You have a problem with that?!, Growls the evil one..

Suddenly I don't feel like laughing anymore..=(

'This place is where all dead souls chill out or hang around before they are judged whether to go to heaven or hell', the fat one says..

Wait.. so am I going to heaven or hell??

'We have to check.. But I hope you are mine..HAHAHA', the devil says..


Its that fart sound again.. Hmm..

Wow a tv.. That's so cool..

'Lets watch together =)', says the angel..

.....The fat one gives me the creeps..


Wow not bad.. Didn't know I was so usefull..

Peanut butter for kids.. Peanuts with beer.. Health benefits.. Not bad..

Well..Looks like I'll be going heaven after all =)

'Let's go to heaven', says the angel..

Yeah..Let's go..Feels like the evil one there's gonna eat me up already..

Whoah..Im actually

HEAVEN.. Wait for me..Here I come!!!

Wait.. Why is the TV still on..

What's that??.. People dying from peanuts??!! (Author's note:True story. Go check out the web)

How can that be possible??

What the.. Something's grabbing me..

Oh no..Its the evil one...


  DAMN!! =(